Performing actions Before and After the backup task


Often when you have a backup task that runs on a scheduled basis, there are associated tasks that you would like to run before or after files are actually copied. CCC offers the option to run shell scripts before and after a backup task, unmount or set the destination as the startup disk, and power management options such as sleep, reboot, and shutdown.

Email and Growl notifications


CCC can provide several types of task status notifications. Ad hoc and scheduled tasks send notifications via Growl, a popular system-wide notification handler. You can also configured scheduled tasks to send email notifications when the task completes.

Frequently asked questions about scheduled tasks


Does CCC have to be running for a scheduled task to run?

No. Once you have scheduled a backup task, you can quit CCC because a "helper" application will be running quietly in the background, waiting to start your task. Scheduled tasks also load automatically when you restart your computer, so you don't have to launch CCC again unless you want to change how your task is scheduled.

Deferring and skipping scheduled tasks


Occasionally, a scheduled task will run at the most inconvenient time. Perhaps you are under deadline and don't have the patience for the hard drive performance hit of a system-wide backup. Or perhaps you are just about to pack up and hit the road. If you ever find the need to cancel a scheduled task at a particular time, CCC gives you two options for maintaining your backup regimen: 1) skip this particular scheduled run time or 2) defer this scheduled task to a specific time in the future.

Scheduling a task and basic settings


Carbon Copy Cloner offers hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly scheduling. If your workstyle is too hectic for scheduling, you can also schedule a task to run whenever your backup hard drive is attached to your computer, or you can configure a task to run only when you click on the "Run" button. To schedule a backup task: