Carbon Copy Cloner

Everything you wish Time Machine did — and more!

Backups are important. Make sure you're doing them right.

Apple's Time Machine does backups one way — and one way only. If that's not your way, you're out of luck. And if something is wrong with your backup, you might not know until you need to restore, and then it's too late.

Carbon Copy Cloner gives you the control you always wished for: back up what you want, when you want, and how you want. Advanced verification and monitoring features ensure your data is ready and waiting when you need it.

Back up just what you want CCC 7 Time
Back up external hard drives
Back up a specific folder
Smart updates: back up only new or changed files
Custom task filters: control exactly what’s included in your backup
Back up cloud-only files by temporarily downloading them
Set your schedule CCC 7 Time
Run backups automatically, even if you're not logged in
Specify how often to run backups
Start a backup whenever files are modified on the source
Restrict backups to weekday, weekends, or certain times of day
Restrict backups based on network conditions (ethernet only, only when a specific Wi-Fi network is available)
One-time task scheduling: schedule a backup to run once in the future
Pause a backup
Decide how long to keep them CCC 7 Time
Keep snapshots of historical backups
Limit backup history by disk usage
Limit backup history by age
Precise control over backup history retention
Mark specific snapshots to keep forever
Restore your disk or individual files CCC 7 Time
Browse through historical snapshots of your filesystem
Search for older versions of files in your backup history
Restore older versions of files
Restore files deleted from the source
Restore an entire disk
Access files from your CCC backup on your iOS devices
Monitor and verify CCC 7 Time
Preview a backup before you run it
Backup notifications via Notification Center or email
Dashboard menubar app: monitor, start & stop backups
Real-time backup performance chart with time remaining estimate
Compare: view differences between source and destination
Audit: see what was copied and why
Advanced backup verification
Make it quick CCC 7 Time
Faster backups with next-generation copy engine
Quick Updates: super quick updates without scanning your whole drive
Make it easy CCC 7 Time
Guided setup
Backup coach with timely troubleshooting advice
Simple mode
simple only
Support from backup experts with 20+ years of experience
Advanced features CCC 7 Time
Store notes alongside backup tasks and events
Organize, schedule, run, and chart groups of backup tasks
Chain backup tasks to run sequentially
Command line control
Run scripts before and after a backup
Enable encryption on the backup disk
Learn more about CCC's features!

Take control of your backups today!