Migrating CCC tasks from one system to another

This documentation is for an older version of CCC. You can find the latest version here.
Last updated on 20 de enero de 2022

If you wish to migrate your tasks from CCC on one system to CCC on another system, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Export All Tasks from CCC's File menu.
  2. Specify a name for the exported settings file and a location where to save it.
  3. Transfer the exported settings file to another Mac.
  4. Install CCC onto the other Mac
  5. Double-click the exported settings file.
  6. As prompted, review the task settings and reset the source/destination selections as necessary.

Note that CCC uses a unique identifier to positively identify your source and destination volumes. While your other Mac may have a "Macintosh HD" volume and a "Backup" volume, those volumes will appear very different to CCC on the second Mac. Simply reselect those new volumes in CCC's Source and Destination selectors to update the task for your additional Mac.

Also note that CCC's keychain is not transferrable between Macs. If you migrate CCC tasks to a new Mac, you will have to re-supply CCC with any applicable volume, disk image, or SMTP passwords.

Recovering tasks from a backup

Many people find that "cleaner" applications will aggressively remove CCC's tasks and preferences. If you have lost all of your backup tasks but you have a full backup of your startup disk, you can recover your tasks from the backup with these steps:

  1. Quit CCC if it is running.
  2. Choose Computer from the Finder's Go menu.
  3. Click on your startup disk (often named Macintosh HD)
  4. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/
  5. Move the com.bombich.ccc folder to the Trash (note: doing so will remove any saved tasks on that volume). This folder may not be present, and that's OK. Authenticate when prompted.
  6. Open a new Finder window (e.g. File > New Finder Window).
  7. Choose Computer from the Finder's Go menu.
  8. Click on the backup disk
  9. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/
  10. Copy the com.bombich.ccc folder to /Library/Application Support/ on your startup disk.
  11. Open the Activity Monitor application (Applications > Utilities)
  12. Choose All Processes from the View menu
  13. Find and quit the com.bombich.ccchelper application (if present).
  14. Open CCC — your tasks should now be restored.

Note that you may have to activate suspended tasks, and/or reselect the source or destination volumes in your tasks.

Also, please note that you must move the com.bombich.ccc application support folder that is located in the root-level Library folder (e.g. Macintosh HD > Library, NOT Macintosh HD > Users > USER_NAME > Library). If you're looking in your home folder, you're in the wrong place.